Build Your Digital Presence

Jink offers a diverse array of services to meet all your online requirements. Encounter smooth performance and unparalleled flexibility.

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Our Unique Edge

What makes us stand out

Uptime Guarantee

We guarantee that your server will be online 99% of the time, you can check that this in our Status page.

Dedicated Support

We have good support through tickets on our Discord server or our billing panel.


We guarantee a good performance in all our services, thanks to our powerful servers.

Control panel

We have an extensive control panel with many functions, for example, subusers, activity logs, 2fa, tasks, free databases, sftp access, and more..

Fast disk drives

We guarantee high speed on all our servers, with our fast NVMe disks.


As you grow, we can increase the resources we allocate to your server so that your community isn't limited by your hosting.

Find Your Perfect Plan

Pricings that makes sense!

Web Hosting

Starting at $2.99/monthly

Premium VPS

Starting at $5.99/monthly

Budget VPS

Starting at $3.99/monthly

* All prices shown may include tax

Test our products

Are you interested in exploring our services in detail? We offer you the chance to experience them at first hand through a completely free, for 2 days trial period. Take advantage of this opportunity to discover and evaluate the scope of what we have to offer.